
Sorin - The First 48 Hours

What a crazy couple days. I realize that if you've had a baby, none of what I'm about to say is news. But it's still so new and fresh to me that it's worth recounting.

Sorin's schedule is certainly backwards - days are spent sleeping and quietly looking into the eyes of him who holds. Nights are spent up and uncomfortable, crying and feeding while making the hours difficult for mom and dad.

But what a treat to hold. It's a love for a person like I've NEVER experienced. He's fully reliant on me - yet more so reliant on Katie. I'm trying to connect myself, even my soul, to him in an effort to care for his every needs.

I've got so much to say about my son, Sorin. My mind is full of pictures and memories of the last 48 hours. He is giving me a new joy in my heart. God is good.

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