
Sorin Comes Home

Yesterday, after four full days at the hospital Katie and I brought Sorin home for the first time. What an experience to put him in the car seat for discharge and walk him downstairs. It's a whole new Daddy Experience. As I pulled up the car, I came in for Katie and the rest of our stuff. It was great to take him out into the fresh air for the first time!!

Now I understand the sincerity of those signs from the early 90's - Baby On Board. It was the most cautious driving I've ever done.

Here's Sorin arriving at home - August 25, 2008 at 4:00 pm.

1 comment:

Heather Haas said...

What a beautiful baby boy. I love his name! I want to come over and see him soon. Katie, you were able to hold 2 of my 4 when they were just a day old. (James and Jacob)

I love all three of you very much and am rejoicing with you over the precious gift that God has given you.

Keep us posted. I love this blog thing. I wish someone would teach me about how to get one up and running.

In Christ's love,