
Sorin the Traveler

This week Katie and Sorin spent three days in Minnesota with Steve and Sue, who were traveling for business. The planning worked well because we have cousins near the Cities that haven't seen Sorin yet. Actually it was kind of funny b/c one of the cousins, Heather Haas, had just commented on our last post about the pumpkin patch - she was saying how they loved "Little Pumpkin." It had been our decision to surprise them with a visit this week, so her comment was even more fun to read knowing that she'd get to meet him the next day.

I work during the days, so I'm used to going a day without seeing him. But I always come home and walk in the door to see what's new with our son. Obviously I couldn't do that this week. It was actually ok at first b/c I had very long days and then after dinner the nights went fast with all the work I was doing around the house. Katie and I were exchanging texts and I wanted her to send me a pic of her and Sorin. That made it worse, b/c the sight of them made me really want to hold him, and I couldn't do that. So that was a little hard.

When they returned, I was actually surprised to see more developments with Sorin. In just three days, I could see that he was holding his head up more when I hold him vertically to my chest. He also smiles a lot more and is more playful when you lay him down. Katie also told me to read to him, in which case he smiles and gets very active. Sorin is growing up right before our eyes - I have a better understanding of the phrase now.

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