
Just Before Sleep

One of the most interesting things I've noticed about Sorin is just before he nods off to sleep He's done this for weeks (I know, that's SO long...) where as his eyes are closing, he'll do this very natural smile that we don't see when he's awake.  The eyes first go to the back of his head, then he fights it as they start to close, then the mouth pulls back into a beautiful smile.  I need to catch this on video.  

So this morning after giving him his bottle, he's already starting to fall asleep in my arms.  The world couldn't be any better right now.  His eyes start to shut quickly.  He's been very tired in the mornings with me.  As they close, I see a quick smile then I hear him laugh:  "ha, ha"

I wish I'd had a camera on my eyes when I heard that.  I couldn't believe it.  For us, it's these new actions that Sorin's developing that are absolutely amazing to experience.  Our "little guy" is doing the things of little kids, and we get to watch the whole thing.

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