
My Dad does what???

Hans works in the tree care industry and is always talking to me about trims and removals... well maybe not always... and I try to be interested in the the ins and outs of tree removal but to be honest sometimes it is a little hard.  So I've always said to him, "I cannot wait until you have a child who you can teach all of this to and who will listen to your every word with amazement."  Well - it has already started.  Grandpa Dave and Grandma Margit had a tree that needed trimming and Hans was just the guy to do it, and since we were right next door - Sorin got to watch it.  Hans has waited for this moment for years (and so have I!).  

Here they are discussing
what needs to be done 
with the tree:
Here is Sorin watching 
from his stroller
He going to get into
that thing!?!?!?!  (the 
bucket truck)
Here is tree-guy daddy
with his chain saw:

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