
New Home

Katie and I have sadly moved away from Briar Hill Road. But the sadness quickly becomes gladness when we look out the living room window at Lake Waubesa. We are very blessed to have this opportunity to stay here.

I'll apologize in advance: I have no pictures for this blog post. Katie and I have been very busy with this move that pictures haven't been tended to as in the past. But on to Sorin...

We wanted to move in even before our last lease was up so that Sorin could get used to the new place. A couple months back, we went to Florida and then traveled the weekend we returned, and it just seemed like all the moving was tough on our little guy. Well looking ahead to June, the family is going up to family camp at Fort Wilderness - and we're camping!! We're very excited about this, but we're a little nervous, too. How will Sorin react to sleeping in a tent? Will he fall asleep with all that light at 8pm in the Northwoods? Will Katie and I be quiet enough for him to fall asleep? It should be interesting. (Thankfully Fort just got WiFi so we can update the blog for this adventure!)

The best thing about the move to McFarland is the carpet. Just about the whole house is carpeted so Sorin can freely move around without "limping." On the hardwood floors of Briar Hill, Sorin developed a baby limp b/c he was hurting his knees. So he would crawl on one knee and one foot... cute and funny to watch. One day Katie brought him into work and a co-worker said he limps like Keyser Söze from the movie Usual Suspects. We got a big laugh out of that one. We're happy (for Sorin's knees) that there's plenty of carpet.

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