

It's an adventure for Katie and I to witness all the new things Sorin has been going lately. A couple days ago he took two (walking) steps towards Katie. Then later that night he was standing at the ottoman and took 4-5 steps towards me under pretty good control.

Katie and I have an air of excitement around the house now because Sorin is so close to another milestone. I find myself cheering for him and watching his every move for what might be next.

Tonight we were in his room folding clothes and watching Sorin stand next to his dresser, opening and closing the drawers, pulling out folded clothes, and moving himself up and down the sides as he hangs on. He certainly is comfortable up on his feet. He had a sandle and I asked for it, so he picked it up and took 4-5 steps towards me. Well then it was on! We had him taking a few steps numerous times. Then he had a blue button-up shirt that "we wanted," and as he was walking towards me, he paused and did a half turn towards the ottoman under perfect control. I had to keep my cool, but I looked up at Katie with so much excitement you'd think he just set a world record.

We got a video documentation of this new feat, so we're pretty proud of our little man's first steps.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is just cuter than cute! He is really changing the way he sees the world!