
Sorin My Son

I wish I could find the words to describe what it's like to see Sorin growing up. Sure, he's only 7 months old - he hasn't talked, walked, or even rolled over. But as any parents know he changes so fast in his facial features and his actions.

I have two favorite moments in the day right now:
  1. When Sorin starts to wake up around 7am, I like to be the first in to his room. He's just opened his eyes and he's completely rested but still a little sleepy. But when he sees me he is very excited and has a great smile. It's the best way to start a day.
  2. We just moved Sorin to a front-facing car seat. Let me tell you - it makes him look so much older to be sitting in a big-boy chair. I never got to see his face in the rear-facing. And actually I originally had his front-facing behind me, so I had to turn around to see him. Now he's back-right --- perfect viewing for dad!
Katie is still busy perfecting her picture-taking abilities. Check out some of the great shots she got today.

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