I'm not one for cliche, but the first six months have gone pretty fast. And everyone we talk to says the same about their children - whether 9 months or 19 years... it all goes so fast.
It's crazy to think of that week. Six months ago we were preparing for August 22, the birth of our first son. We had read the books, talked about names, discussed discipline, and imagined what parenthood might be like. And yet it seems to only scratch the surface when your son is laying in your arms in the hospital room.
The first six months of Sorin's life have been nothing less than amazing. We have learned so much, we have tried so hard, we have sacrificed each day, we have loved more than we thought ever possible.
Sorin is turning into quite
the ham. Katie has said for months that he's been "talking." The sounds are getting more frequent and are getting louder. It's funny to see him trying to "talk" - like he's actually figured something out. Maybe he has...
We thought we'd ask him some questions about being six months old: