
Knows No

I feel like I took another significant step towards being a father while at dinner the other night. Sorin's learned the word "no" around the house and he hasn't had a problem with walking away from certain things. But at the table he's been picking up pieces of food and dropping them over the side of his chair.

So after the second time I said 'no' and he looked a little hesitant, like something was happening. But then he picked up another piece of food and dropped it over the side. "No." ...... and he exploded in tears. Katie actually said, "that's the cutest thing I've ever seen." In some ways it was because it was Sorin responding to our verbal instructions. It included discipline, so there was a sense of Sorin's growth and development.

But those tears were strong. His lips puckered right up. He was hurt. It was hard for me. But it needs to be done. He knows no. And he doesn't like it that much.

It's going to be tough putting certain boundaries and restrictions around my children. But I know it's necessary. The upside comes after, when I can pick him up and walk him around the house to remind him how much I love him - and that nothing he could ever do would ever change that love I have for him.

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

...nothing he could ever do could take that love away...oh yes, I know this and it's the love that God gives us for them...it goes beyond our imagination.